"UPDATES ... Fundraising, Cookbooks & Clynk"
Only God could know that the plan for a tired old brick school building was
to become a hubbub of community activity!! Purchasing the property
in 2014, has allowed our church off-street parking, and more importantly
a huge community outreach opportunity.
Our church formed the Old Brick School Committee and developed the vision
The Old Brick School Community Center with the Mission Statement:
"To positively impact our Community with God's Love"
2020 Updates on OUR PLAN for the BUILDING:
PHASE 1 - mostly done!
- In the fall of 2017 - We moved "Bread for the Journey" Warren Food Pantry
into the building, giving us much needed room!
- Also moved in the fall of 2017 - The "Children's Clothing Exchange", an outreach of our neighboring church, Warren Second Congregational Church!
- In 2018 & 2019, we finished Large Community Meeting Room, the Small Meeting Room next to it, and most fun of all the Teen/Youth Room!
- Trail Life Troop #1750 began meeting regularly in the fall of 2018,
the boys still hold their troop meetings regularly.
More updates in 2000 through 2024 so far!
NEW Events: 2023 a February 22 a "Family Game Night with Pizza" for all ages!!
Piano Lessons offered by Melissa by appointment ... Using Bunny Mank's piano!
A Community Bulletin Board in the Main Hall tries to keep us all updated with the latest events to let you know what's happening next at the Community Center!
I CAN Martial Arts taught by Mr. Andrew, joined us in summer of 2024!
- Other events include Creative Memories scrapbooking & fundraisers with Dawn .
Baby showers, Birthday parties, the Historical Society Christmas Programs,
Bible Study w Sue on Tuesdays; and a Quilters Group also meets on Tuesdays.
Donations for Room Bookings are used to help pay the Utility Bills for the Building.
We are now looking ahead to improving the driveways and parking areas...
any donations for that big project are gratefully accepted,
it may take a while to raise enough funds!
Bread for the Journey, the Warren Food Pantry Preparation on Wednesdays,
Open Hours on Thursdays... We are so thankful for the room needed for all of those.
The Children's Clothing Exchange, run by Second Congregational Church also is open at the same time.... free clothing for infants through teens!
- Finishing up renovations , with the last two meeting rooms completed, and in use -
LED lights have replaced most of the fluorescent bulbs, cost savings over the long run! Thank you Bill!
- Praise the Lord for all the work done thus far and the willing Volunteers who do the work to refurbish from floor to ceiling
....lots of volunteer hours have been given.
Renovation Fundraising began with "Our Community Cookbook", a collection of favorite recipes submitted by friends and family. We sold out of those!
CLYNK - bottle recycling bags are available
- Email Delia at dlufkin@tds.net or stop by the Church to pick up a green bag,
put our tag on it, fill it up and drop it off at a Hannaford receptacle!
Keep an eye out for the 2024
Special Fundraiser Events coming up this year!
Check out our Facebook page: Old Brick School Community Center
- see updates and photos of the Renovations
- make a donation directly using your GIVELIFY app.
Donations can also be mailed to:
Old Brick School Community Center
Renovation Fund
PO Box 294, Warren, ME 04864.
We are so very Thankful for the support of our Community
as we work to complete
The Old Brick School Community Center!